Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Profit Margins

While I was doing research for my business plan and going over prices to produce the item and the retail price for the item, I noticed these items have very large margins for the companies that currently produce something similar. Most of these products have a 50 percent or higher profit margin. One thing I could do to make my products look better than the competitors is make mine retail cheaper. I could start out selling at a 35 percent margin, prove the business in the market, then I can raise it to 40-45 percent and still have better prices than the competitors. While I wouldn't be making the full potential at first, the lower prices would help get sales and get established as a competitor in the market. 

1 comment:

  1. 港島民生書院】港島Band 1名校 升中競爭:13人爭1學位!
    Thumper, 5 days ago 1 min 19

    民生書院辦學團體在1926年已開始建立,但開辦的港島民生書院卻於90年代才開始開辦,港島一向傳統名校林立,資助性質的港島民生書院卻在短短10年間就躋身第一組別中學的位置,而且每年升中收生競爭激烈。接下來Tutor Circle尋補將會為大家介紹一下這間在港島區頗為有名的港島民生書院。


    校園內有兩個籃球場及花圃。學校另設學生活動中心、特別活動室、兩個自修室、English Corner、茶水間、社工室、基督徒天地,以及多間辦公室(包括學生會辦公室、家長教師會辦公室及領袖生室)。


